Muy Buenos! Spanish Phrases Every Traveler Needs

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Did you know that Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world right now? In fact, it’s the first language of an incredible 400 million people worldwide! So, as you can probably tell now, it is a great language to have under your belt while you are traveling. After all, you never know who you might bump into while you are on vacation, and they might not necessarily be able to speak English!

So, no matter where you are traveling to, it’s always good to know some useful Spanish phrases. Here are some that should help you out in most situations!

Por Favor / Gracias
Please / Thank You

Even if your Spanish isn’t that great, it’s always worth giving it a go. Most people will really appreciate the effort that you put into trying to communicate with them! So, it’s a good idea to know the Spanish for please and thank you. That way, you can show people how grateful you are.

Donde Estan Los Hoteles?

Where are the hotels?

Most popular destinations will have tourist areas. These are the locations where the majority of the town or city’s hoteles (hotels) will be. So, if you ever have trouble finding the tourist area upon your arrival, this question should be super useful. You can then get directions from any passersby who you see.

Qué Camino A La Playa?
Which way to the beach?

It won’t just be your hotel that you will need to look for. You will probably want to hit the beach at some point as well! This phrase ensures that you never get lost on your way there.

A post shared by Terri Harding (@terribell85) on Tengo Alergia A [Las Nueces] I have an allergy [to nuts]

If you have strict dietary requirements, then you will need to be able to communicate this to the staff in any restaurant you decide to eat at. Otherwise, you could end up eating something that could harm you by mistake. This phrase shows you what to say if you suffer from an allergy. There are some common allergies listed below if you need to swap the “to nuts” part to whatever it is you are allergic to.

los mariscos – seafood

la lechería – dairy

la soja – soy

los huevos – eggs

Soy Vegetariano/a
I am a vegetarian

You will also need to let the restaurant know if you are a vegetarian. Sadly, most Spanish-speaking countries don’t cater too well for vegetarian diets and you might not instantly notice a meal that you can eat listed on a menu. But if you let the waiters know about your diet, they will be able to ask the chef what they can cook for you.

Dónde Está La Estación De Ferrocarril Más Cerca?
Where’s the nearest railway station?

One of the best ways to get from A to B when you are traveling is to go by train. It’s often the cheapest form of transport. So, make sure you know how to get to the station!

Have fun on your travels!




  1. Thanks Amber for this post. It is easy to learn spanish I think since we have so much soap opears on the TV.

  2. […] the locals’ perspective. Interacting with locals can enable you to appreciate other cultures, learn new languages, and build cross-cultural relationships. You’ll also expand your knowledge and understanding […]

  3. […] inform them of your strict dietary requirements if you have one. If you are allergic to nuts say ‘Soy al?rgico a las nueces.‘ If you are allergic to other food items, then just replace the phrase ‘to nuts’ […]

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