It’s My Birthday…and 35 Things About Me!

Well Socialites…it’s my Birfday!!! ????? I am officially 35!!! Now that that’s done, let me just be real and say that I did NOT bounce out of bed this morning to do a cute pj’s and eye mask photo shoot like all the other bloggers (I actually had to crack my toes and stretch real good before I hobbled, old lady style, to the bathroom.) Nor did my hubby fill my room with a bunch of balloons or breakfast in bed, like the other blogger cliches because a.) We have a 2 year old in our bed and b.) He knows not wake me up in the morning…even with breakfast! ?

So…no overly cute photos today, but I did want to share a few things about me that you might not know! So without further ado, here is my list of:

35 Things To Know About Me!

1. I am a lefty, and a hardcore one. Seriously, I can’t eat anything without it ending up on my shirt, my handwriting always smudges, and I cannot do a thing with math.

2. I am almost a full time blogger (steadily working toward it!) , but I am also a social worker, and a former child protective services investigator. I walked away from that earlier this spring, and I’m in a much better mental place!

3. I am the classic introverted extrovert, and type INFJ for all my fellow Myers-Briggs nerds! ? This makes the writing part of my blogging a natural fit, but makes for super awkward and self-conscious public photo shoots. LOL

4. I am a serious animal lover.

5. I’m a plus size blogger who would probably be thin really easily if I didn’t have my nightly routine of 3 fresh baked (rather large) Pillsbury cookies! Such is life. I’m not giving them up!

6. I have been married for 7 years now.

7. I gained a whole shoe size after I gave birth to my daughter.

8. I cannot carry a tune to save my life…but that little minor fact will not stop me from attempting to hit Mariah Carey’s high notes anytime I listen to her music. And my hubby, being the wonderful soul that he is, always tells me “you almost had it that time babe!” God bless him!

9. This is much harder than I thought it would be. Geez…I’m only on number 9.

10. I have never gotten a speeding ticket! ??

11. God (The Most High) and church are a huge part of my life. My spiritual walk and faith are of the utmost importance to me.

12. I have no clue how to potty train my 2 year old. We’re just hoping for the best at this point. I’m seriously considering putting her potty under her pillow and hoping she’ll learn through osmosis.

13. I never wear a watch because I always use my phone. In fact, the only reason I bought a watch is so I could do the ubiquitous #armparty instagram photos.

14. I never wear makeup until it’s time to do photo shoots. LOL

15. I’m ridiculously lazy. Like, lazy ain’t even the word. On Saturdays, all I do is lie on the couch and rot. And envy my toddler’s energy level.

16. I’m never on time. This probably goes with #15, because I’m going to lie in bed till the last possible minute. The early bird gets the worm, but the late worm doesn’t get eaten. #logic

17. I just realized this list sounds pretty negative. I hope y’all realize it’s all tongue-in-cheek. I love myself…I promise!

18. I have 2 older sisters and we are the best of friends. We talk on the phone like teenage girls. Even down to just staying on the phone even though no ones talking. LOL.

19. Coming To America is the greatest movie of all time and no one can convince me any different. Yeah…I’ve seen Schindler’s List and everything Meryl Streep ever did…and yeah. Coming To America is the best of all time!

20. I will forever love 80’s fashion! I like everything off the shoulder, and all the glam and excess!

21. I just started watching Hart of Dixie courtesy of Netflix, and I’m in love with this show! Am I not supposed to like Lemon? Cuz I do!

22. If I watch a scary movie, I am afraid to go downstairs on my own at night for at least 2 weeks. Even with a nightlight.

23. I’m getting old y’all.

24. The majority of songs in my iTunes are from 2011 and before. I cannot stand this new music that gets put out. #illuminati. Oh and I really love 90’s R&B. Even my gospel music is old. Like, if it’s not old school Kirk Franklin, Hezekiah Walker, or John P Kee, I ain’t listening! If the video doesn’t have a choir marching in with robes, I’m not interested. ?

25. I wanted to walk down the aisle at my wedding to “She’s Your Queen To Be” from Coming To America. My mom vetoed that one, and hired a harpist. *shrug*

Coming To America

26. I love to read! It’s my favorite hobby and pastime.

27. I am obsessed with all things Disney, and can be randomly found singing “Part of Your World” or “Hakuna Matata” at any given moment. I know all the words to at least 30 songs. LOL.

28. The Food Network is my jam! Chopped, and Beat Bobby Flay make me so happy. I can probably beat Bobby. #delusionalbutpositive!

29. On the real, I can cook! And I mean cook, like everything from scratch, and well seasoned. Ain’t no raisins in my potato salad, Karen!

30. One of my dreams, random as it may sound, is opening a coffee shop. I live in a really small town, and I would love to own a shop that’s beautifully appointed, with good coffee, and where everyone wants to hang out!

31. I don’t like watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, or lettuce. I think I have a hard time with watery foods.

32. I can honestly pass on avocados. Not much of a guac fan either.

33. I first fell in love with Prince when I was 2 years old and watched him slither across the stage on Purple Rain. I was only 2, but I knew perfection when I saw it. My mom tells me that later that night, she was rubbing my back to put me to sleep, and I drowsily mumbled “thank you Pince.” (Musta had a hard time with r’s.)

34. I am saved, classy, educated (Master’s Degree ??) and a former Girl Scout…yet, I cannot control myself the moment I hear the words “Cash Money taking over for the 99 and 2000!!!” All semblance of class goes out the window, my lips poke out, and my butt starts moving of its own accord. Sorry not sorry! ?

And last but not least…

35. I LOVE blogging! I feel as though blogging has helped me find my voice, my purpose, heck myself! I have been blessed through blogging to work with some huge brands (Hello L’Oréal!!!), travel, and meet incredible people (shout out to Annie Spano and my Style Collective sisters!) I am soooo thankful for all of my readers and followers, and I love each and every one of you! I hope that you’ll continue with me on this journey for the years to come, and for every birthday in the future!With that said, I leave you with this:

*Only the first 14 seconds apply*

See you next time!


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. Happy Birthday.?

  2. Nice getting to know about you. My husband is also a hard core lefty and I gained a whole shoe size after having babies as well! 🙂

  3. I enjoyed this blog and it’s so nice to see your transparency and get to know you better as a blogger!! Happy Birthday ???

  4. I love number 11!! God and my church are a huge part of my life as well! 🙂 Happy Birthday!

  5. This post was Everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I seriously had to take a moment because I was laughing sooooo HARD at “I ain’t listening! If the video doesn’t have a choir marching in with robes, I’m not interested. ” OMG That was a good healthy laugh for the morning time, because its very true.

    I’ve known you forever and I can vouch that everything you wrote was TRUE!! You are a Prissy, Gangsta, Chic, Information Hub of Craziness wrapped in a song book of Disney tunes. And one of the most Genuine people I know. I love you dearly and probably more than you know. I hope you have an awesome Birthday!!!

    P.S. I never knew about the wedding song choice. That would of been awesome and hilarious!!

  6. Happy birthday! Mine was just two weeks ago, yay for July! I always appreciate learning more and fun facts about people.

  7. Happy Birthday Amber! I love how you’ve shared 35 unique things about yourself. I really like that you’re almost there with becoming a full-time blogger. Keep working hard and following your dream – it will happen soon! Congratulations again on your special day.

  8. I am hoping to someday be a full time blogger as well! I also can’t believe you’ve never gotten a speeding ticket, that is quite an accomplishment!

  9. Happy birthday. Loved learning about you and I too have never received a speeding ticket.

  10. Although I know EVERYTHING about you I found it so interesting to read your list!! And this DEF applies to the 3 of us: “18. I have 2 older sisters and we are the best of friends. We talk on the phone like teenage girls. Even down to just staying on the phone even though no ones talking“. I felt such a sense of security just reading it!

    I know it’s a cliche but I truly believe the best is still yet to come! #vision #goals #reality

  11. This was a fun way to get to know you. Happy Birthday. 35 is a great age to be. #30 so would I. It won’t happen with this crazy back though. 3 baked cookies a night sounds great. Even better would be to dollop ice cream on top, lol.

  12. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day.

    I also love animals and I love Disney!

  13. Happy Birthday.
    Really liked the fact that you are a full time blogger. I would love being a blogger.

  14. I feel the same way about public photoshoots and vlogging ! Like I love it but I get so shy about it!
    I hope you have an awesome birthday , and amazing year!

  15. Happy birthday! My feel also grew after my pregnancies!

  16. Thats a beautiful cake! My birthday is tomorrow! Happy birthday to you!

  17. I just love reading your post! Each one is so interesting and this one hit home. I absolutely love Coming to America and in honor of you I will walk down the isle to “She’s My Queen to Be”! Happy Birthday love! I hope today has been truly amazing for you!

  18. Happy Birthday! What a lovely way to get to know a little bit more about you. I’m always late as well, though my other half is always early so we end up about on time.

  19. Happy Birthday!! I love your post and your 35 things about you! How fun! I can relate to many of them, and am looking forward to the day when I can get far enough in this blogging adventure to work with some great brands as well!

  20. It’s nice knowing about you. Anyway, it’s so funny that you only need a watch for the #armparty Instagram photos while I wear one always! Things we do for the gram though…

  21. I laughed at the morning scene. My son’s wife won’t let you wake her up early either…birthday or NO! hahahaha Happy Birthday to you and thanks for the fun facts about you (girl, I love to read too)!! 35 is a great year, enjoy!

  22. Loved your writing style! Many happy returns of the day!

  23. Happy birthday, hun. May this new chapter of your life comes with so much love, happiness and success. I’ll be 35 next year and been married for 7 years too, haha just thought I’ll throw it out there 🙂 It’s a pleasure knowing more about you and I have to say you are gorgeous!

  24. What a great idea of a post. Happy Birthday.

  25. lavandamichelle

    What a wonderful post! This was fun to read, I love learning more about bloggers I like. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  26. Happy birthday! I’m also an introverted extrovert and I thought I was just really weird for the longest time!

  27. Hope your birthday was fabulous! I laughed out loud about your being left handed. You are definitely a hardcore classic one. Several in my family are too!

  28. I can relate to number 22. I’ll be on my 30’s next year too. But heck, I am still afraid of the dark. LOL

  29. Omg, #12!!!!! Bahaha!! Happy Birthday girl! Cheers to another 35!!!!

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