How To Turn Your Garage Into The Perfect Work From Home Space

While working from home was initially introduced to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like it’s here to stay. In fact, a recent study found that ‘85% of managers believe that having teams with remote workers will become the new norm.’ Where full-time remote work is not possible, many employers are introducing hybrid working schedules wherein you only have to spend some of your time on-site.

work from home space

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

There are various benefits to working from home, including:

  • A happier, more inspired workforce. 
  • Better work-life balance for all employees.
  • Increase productivity, creativity and efficiency. 
  • Lower overhead costs for employers.

However, as earning money from home becomes a permanent scenario instead of a band-aid during a bad situation, you must have a workspace set up in your home. 

This is because working from your sofa (or worse, your bed) may seem comfortable and almost funny to begin with – but it could limit your productivity significantly as your brain associates these spaces with rest and relaxation as opposed to hard work. Whatsmore, if you were considering selling your home in the future, having a home office can increase your asking price significantly. 

If you’re working with limited space, you must get creative when designing your home office. For example, instead of trying to cram a desk into the corner of the room, why not make use of your garage space? With a little TLC, your garage can be turned into something far more than a glorified storage space. In fact, it could be the perfect WFH spot!

With that in mind, here are some simple ways to turn your garage into the perfect work-from-home spot.


  • Declutter. The first step towards transforming your garage is to remove the clutter. After all, you’d find it near impossible to get to work each morning if you’re surrounded by piles and piles of old belongings. Clutter is actually proven to increase your stress and anxiety levels, meaning that getting rid of it is essential. 


  • Refurbish your garage. The chances are that your garage isn’t as well maintained as the rest of your home, meaning that you might need to carry out some refurbishments before turning it into a functional space. For example, you might want to install durable Fusion Coatings on the floor, which will totally transform how the space looks. If possible, you should also consider installing windows in the space so that you can get some access to natural light during this time. 

  • Invest in quality office furniture. It’s impossible to complete your job to the highest standard if you aren’t equipped with the necessary tools. For a home office, you need quality-office furniture on hand, such as desk chairs, desks, and more. When purchasing these items, try to remember that comfort is more important than style, especially if you’re sitting behind a desk for long periods of time each day. You should also ask your employer to subsidise the cost of these products, as it’s their responsibility to enable you to carry out your job to a high standard. 



Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. A home office or just a work space is a wonderful thing, especially now, when many people work from home. But if you don’t have a home office, you can be content with coworking spaces. This is a place where you can fully concentrate on your work tasks and not be distracted by household chores.

    A Global Coworking Study by Deskmag ( found that 89.1% of participants were more productive and better able to concentrate (71.9%) in a coworking space than they were when working from home.

  2. Converting an unused garage into a home office or something is always a good idea. In this article, we share some extra ideas for making the most of your garage transformation:

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