Dealing With Your Dry Eyes

When it comes to maintaining and enhancing your natural beauty, your eyes are just as important as any other part of you. The windows to the soul, your eyes are some of the most expressive parts of your face. As such, when they’re not feeling their best, then you might not feel your best, either. Dry eyes can be a particular nuisance, but what are the causes of dry eyes and what can you do about them?

your dry eyes

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Eyestrain rears its ugly head

Eyestrain is not the most serious issue around, but it can certainly be an annoying one. This dryness and irritation of the eye happen because the eyes are getting tired. In a modern context, it’s usually caused by spending a little too much time with your eyes focused on the bright lights of a screen. Over-the-counter artificial teardrops are going to work as a treatment. If you have chronic dry eye, then you might want to take eye drops on a regular basis, even when you don’t feel its effects, just to prevent it, as well.

Allergies and allergy treatments

If you’ve been experiencing allergies, then you might be well aware that coming in contact with your triggering allergens can cause watery and itchy eyes. However, the antihistamines that you use to shut down your allergic response can also lead to your eyes becoming drier as a result. Providing there are no other symptoms to go with it, there isn’t too much to worry about here. Just make sure that you keep some artificial tear drops to treat your eyes after you take your antihistamines and you should be perfectly fine.

Could it be due to your eyelids?

If you have been noticing any changes in your eyelids, then you should make sure that you more closely inspect the issue. Acquired ptosis happens when the muscles in your eyelids slack a little, which is usually caused by aging but can also happen due to rubbing your eyes too much. Ptosis eyedrops are required to treat this particular problem, helping rejuvenate your eyelids which can make sure that you’re not irritating your eyes, treating the dryness at the same time.

You’re not getting enough vitamin A

Vitamin deficiencies can appear in all sorts of strange ways. One of the ways that vitamin A can present is in the form of increased tear evaporation due to the glands around the eyelids becoming clogged. If you’re experiencing this alongside other symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, such as skin irritation, night blindness, and additional crustiness around the eyes, then you might want to see about treating that deficiency. There are vitamin A supplements that you can get, but you can also help it along by eating more vitamin A-rich foods such as fish oils, beef liver, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables.

Dry eyes usually aren’t something to worry about too much, but you should treat them as soon as you can to make sure that you’re able to live without the stinging, not to mention how tired it can make you look.


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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