4 Ways to Step Up Your Crafts Game

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Most people begin their arts and crafts journey just out of curiosity. They just want to try something new, and that’s what they do! In the early stages, most newcomers are happy enough to make something that looks broadly good. Perfection is not the objective. But as with most things, at some point or another, if you’re one of those people, then you may wantRead Now

How To Turn Your Passion Into A Business


Side hustles are nothing new but since the pandemic started they’ve really gone mainstream. Lockdowns gave many people more free time to pursue new interests or really improve on their hobbies. If you already had a side hustle, the downtime may have allowed you to make it your main business (or at least think about it). If you’re still thinking about it, here are someRead Now

Four Easy Ways to Use Social Media To Market Your Business


Unless you’ve been living under the proverbial rock, you know that social media has the power to launch your business to the next level! Social media has been proven time and time again as an effective tool in building a brand and reaching potential customers, however, the success does not come from merely setting up an account and posting pics. There is a tried andRead Now

Tips To Become A Better You

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You can do many things to help yourself become a better person. Unfortunately, many of us tend to feel sorry for ourselves when we don’t think our lives are going well or that others are doing something wrong. This is not the way to live your life! In this blog post, I will share some tips on turning your attitude around and starting to becomeRead Now

Tips On How To Become A Fashion Blogger


Getting a fashion blog up and running has never been simpler. If you have an idea for a blog, make it yours; there is no right or wrong way to start one! However, if you do need help starting your journey toward being a fashion blogger, there are some essentials around software that will make the process easier and more enjoyable.  Image Credit Here weRead Now

What To Do Immediately After A House Fire

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Pexels. CCO Licensed. Following a house fire, you’re likely to be in shock – particularly if it’s a major fire. However, there are certain steps that you need to take immediately for your own wellbeing and to aid your recovery. Once you’ve called the firefighters and the fire has been put out, you should consider doing some of the following things. Seek medical attention ifRead Now

Turn Your Garden into an Oasis

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Having any amount of garden space is a luxury, but you can make it feel even more luxurious. Your garden can feel like a little slice of heaven in the middle of a very busy world. What is most important to keep in mind is that your garden can be both beautiful and functional. Photo by Robin Wersich on Unsplash Cleaning up One of the mostRead Now