Your Online Business: What Customers Will Expect

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Once you put an online business out into the world, there will be a lot of expectations laid at your door. First, the site should be a safe place to be, where malware, trojans, and bad links don’t have a chance. From here, your website should be enjoyable to use. The navigation should make sense, in a way that makes it easy to get fromRead Now

When Should You Consider Registering as a Sole Proprietor?

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Starting a business can be an exciting adventure, likened to diving off of a skyscraper with no net. There are countless considerations when embarking on this venture, from selecting your business name and market strategy, to choosing your structure of choice. With sole proprietorship being one of many choices available to small business owners embarking on their entrepreneurial dreams. When should you consider this decisionRead Now

How To Make Your Home-Based Business Look More Professional

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Running your business from home has a number of benefits, including huge cost savings and a lot of flexibility. However, there are some downsides, and one of those that can have a major impact on the success of your business is that working from your home might look unprofessional. Although it is becoming more and more common for workers to be remote, it can stillRead Now

How To Get Your Business’ Finances In Order

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Right now, approximately 77% of adults are worried about their financial situation – a figure that likely rises if the individual in question is a business owner.  After all, the current cost of living crisis means that not only are business expenses increasing, but customers are spending less, too. For example, in a recent study, 63% of adults reported that they are spending less onRead Now

Tips For Running A Side Hustle In 2023

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels:  Having a side hustle has never been more of a popular thing for many. It’s a great way for you to make some money on the side of your main job and bring in some extra income. In a time when the cost of living has never been higher, it’s a great thing to have, particularly if you’reRead Now