Pexels – CCO License We all lead such busy lives what with parenting our children and earning a living that it can feel like we do not have very much downtime at all, which is why we should all be making a real effort to ensure that any downtime we do have is as effective as it can possibly be. Regular downtime is so importantRead Now
How To Always Have Something To Look Forward To
Leave a commentThe last couple of years has been pretty hard on us all. It really does seem that the world is lurching from one crisis to another, and it is little wonder that people all over the globe are experiencing mental health issues. While it won’t make everything disappear, having something to look forward to can really help to lighten your mood and make you feelRead Now
Bring Light Into Your Life in 2022!
1 CommentSometimes life doesn’t go exactly the way we planned. It could be that you didn’t get to where you thought you would be at this age, or maybe something else entirely. Life is a stressful journey with many ups and downs, but just remember that in those darker moments there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. If you are having aRead Now
4 Simple Ways you can Put Your Happiness First
2 CommentsIn the past, people would say happiness is a feeling, but it is now clear that happiness is a choice. The choices you make will determine how happy you get and how long the happiness lasts. If you have been struggling to find and put your happiness first, you are not alone. So many people around the world struggle with the same thing too. TheRead Now
Reaching Real Contentment In Your Life
1 CommentPhoto Source We all want to be happy. But so many of us lead our lives in a way that fails to bring those kinds of emotions. Instead, we follow paths that place us under stress, create anxiety and lead to unhappiness. This is illogical. Sure, there will be times in life and situations that we have no control over. But there are many thatRead Now
The Power of Peace of Mind… And How to Achieve it in Uncertain Times
2 CommentsThis current pandemic is enough to test even the strongest resolve, and weaken our peace of mind. We’re facing the most serious threat to public health in living memory, and taking drastic measures to flatten the infection curve and protect as many people as possible. And while the governments of some nations have demonstrated the ability to handle the crisis with aplomb (New Zealand, forRead Now
Approaching Change With Grace & Gumption
1 CommentHey Socialites! If you’ve been keeping up with me on Instagram, you know that I’ve been posting quite a bit about change lately. I didn’t make any particular resolutions for the new year, but I just knew that I had to take control of some areas in my life that had gone into free fall: My weight, my finances, and my mental well-being. Now thatRead Now
Keeping The Faith In Low Places
15 Comments*This post was originally published on 9/4/2017 and updated on 2/7/2019* If you’ve watched the news at any point over the last few weeks, you’re probably exhausted from listening to anchors and pundits discuss government shutdowns, the state of the union, and hot button topics about abortion and sexual orientation. On a personal level, so many of my friends and family are in their ownRead Now
Has “Petty Culture” Taken Over?
Leave a comment“Oh the shade!” “I can’t stand her…she’s a toxic piece of trash.” “Girl, I can’t believe he said that! He is cancelled!” “I’m about to be real petty.” via GIPHY I heard phrases like this all through 2018, and they don’t show any promise of disappearing from the 2019 lexicon. I’ll admit, I love watching shows like Love & Hip Hop (in all of theRead Now
Four Ways You Can Boost Your Confidence This Year
1 CommentThis time of year always has us reflecting on where we want to go and what we want to do. The changes we want to make, the things we want to achieve. But yet so much is focused around goals, and less about how we feel, and often, how we feel can be the biggest asset we have to achieving the goals. It is aRead Now