Buying a Home? Here Are Some Things to Consider

Buying a house? This is a huge step in your life journey! So, of course, you’re going to want to really think this through. Here are some questions to ask yourself and subjects to consider before laying down your deposit!

buying a house

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What Can You Afford?

First and foremost, you need to come up with a budget that will allow you to asses what you can and can’t afford when it comes to buying a home. All too many people save a deposit and sign into mortgage agreements that drain the majority of their income. While this may be possible, it can inhibit the quality of life you’re able to lead around buying your home. Seeing as mortgages tend to last for about 25 years, you need to make sure that you can have a good time at the same time as paying for your house. Use a mortgage calculator and come up with a reasonable figure that you can genuinely afford.

Will You Need to Carry Out Repairs or Renovations?

Not every home is ready to move straight into. Sure, some will be ready for you to get your things in and commence day to day living from day one. But others will require a bit of work before they’re ready to accommodate you comfortably. This can often have a huge impact on price. So, ask yourself: would you rather pay more and have a simple journey, or would you rather pay less and undertake some renovation and repair work in exchange? Generally, it’s best to scope out the level of work that will need to be carried out to make your home habitable. Some issues can be resolved by electricians and plumbers. Some may require a general contractor and construction specialists. Bring in someone to evaluate the scope of the project and put an estimated cost on the work that needs to be carried out. This will allow you to make a more informed decision.


All too many people underestimate the importance of location when buying a house. Where you live can have a huge impact on your lifestyle and your happiness levels. Why not consider some of the questions below to determine a good place for you to settle down:

  • Do you want to live near friends?
  • Do you want to live near your family?
  • Do you want to live near work?
  • Is the area you’re considering safe?
  • Would you like somewhere quiet?
  • Do you need access to certain amenities?
  • Are there entertainment facilities you want close access to?
  • Do you need access to public transport links?
  • Rural, city or suburban living?

These are just a few questions to get the ball rolling, but they can make a big difference when it comes to determining what home will be best for you. Remember, once you buy, you can jump from one place to another as freely as you might while renting.

Of course, there are countless other things to bear in mind and ask yourself when it comes to buying a property. This is a huge investment! But hopefully, some of the above advice should guide you along your first steps in this journey!


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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