5 Clues You Are Buying A Home In The Right Location


Whoever said buying a home was easy? Nobody, that’s who, but if you do meet anybody who does, please send them our way as we would certainly benefit from their advice. Assuming you don’t have those people on your friends’ list, then you probably understand the stress involved when trying to buy a new property. Not only are you coping with the financial demands, but you also need to factor in the location. Invest your money into buying a house in what turns out to be the wrong neighborhood, and you may be stuck for years to come wishing you had spent more time in research. Hence our helpful article. To help you find the right location, look for the following clues to better your decision.

Clue #1: You like what you see

When looking at new homes, consider the area around the property. If there are places of scenic beauty on your doorstep or nearby, and if the area meets your specs for the amenities that are important to you, then these are good signs that you are moving into a neighborhood that is both good for your health and practical to your needs.

Clue #2: You like what you hear

Spend time in the neighborhood before moving in and listen out for any telltale sounds and noises that may ruin your time living there. We are thinking of noisy neighbours, high-density traffic, barking dogs and drunken revellers. You won’t always pick up on these noises easily, so walk around the area, especially around the house you considering, at different times of the day to get as full a picture as possible.

Clue #3: There are signs of home improvements

If you notice a range of home faults on the properties in the area, from peeling paintwork to unkempt gardens, it’s may be evidence that the owners don’t have pride in their properties. Not only do you run the risk of undesirable neighbors, but you may face challenges down the line when you come to selling the property you have bought in the area. So, look for evidence that people have cared for their homes, with freshly mown lawns and extensions, such as decking and conservatories, to give you extra confidence in your decision.

Clue #4: There is a low crime rate

You can check this by visiting government websites and entering the area’s postcode to check on statistics. You can also check stories in local media, ensuring there hasn’t suddenly been a spurt of burglaries in the area, or any other kinds of nefarious misdeeds rife in the neighborhood. Again, walking around the area will give you a good idea, so if you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a shootout in the street, you know it’s definitely time you continued your house search elsewhere!

Clue #5: The area feels right to you

While you do need to look for signs that the location is right for you, sometimes you get a gut instinct that everything is right in the place. If you spot people being friendly to others, or you notice children playing happily, you may have that feeling inside knowing that this is the place for you. There may still be issues beneath the surface, but then there are in most locations. If you get a good feeling in your heart, as well as in your head, then you may have found the ‘perfect’ place to live.


You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce the location is right, so if you are looking to move, use our simple ideas as a guideline to steer you in the right direction. We wish you every happiness and as little stress as possible in the process!



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