4 Ways To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Most of us would agree to wanting to make sure that our homes are not causing too much harm to the planet. There is a lot that you can focus on here if you are keen to ensure that this is the case, and it’s likely going to be a case of looking into some of the major steps that you can take in order to make it so. As it happens, there are a few key things in particular that you may want to focus on to ensure that your home is as eco-friendly as possible.

In this post, we’ll take a close look at just some of these, and look at how they can help you to make your home considerably more eco-friendly. As long as you are looking into things like the following, you should be able to say that you are doing your part for the planet and that you are living much more sustainably.

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Install Solar Panels

If you happen to have a little spare cash lying around, you may want to invest in some solar panels – and you really can think of this as an investment, because you are going to save so much money in the long run on energy this way, compared to using traditional forms of energy. Solar power is so effective these days that it is criminal that we don’t make more use of it as a society. In fact, you will probably find that you are able to use only solar for all your energy needs, even if you live somewhere where it is frequently overcast. It doesn’t have to be sunny to work!

In particular, you should make sure that you are putting as many solar panels on the roof as you can afford to. It will absolutely pay off.

Change Your Windows

If your home is quite an old one, then you might be in a position where your windows are actually not all that energy efficient, and that can make a subtle yet powerful difference to your home’s eco credentials. As such, one of the best things you can do to make your home more eco-friendly is to replace your windows with a more modern, eco-friendly alternative. You should be able to easily find an energy efficient window installation service, and doing so is one of the very best things you can hope to do for your home and for the planet itself too.

Remember that such windows are also going to help save you money, simply because you won’t be losing so much energy through them, and you will therefore not need to put the heating on as much. That’s great news in this world of increasing energy rates, and it’s something that you are going to want to think about if you are keen to look after your pennies while also doing your bit for the environment.


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Go For Alternative Heating Methods

However you are currently heating your home, there is a good chance that there are more eco-friendly ways of doing it, and this is something that you are going to want to pay attention to if you are keen to make sure that your home is much more eco-friendly. A good example is heat pumps, which you can have installed for not much money and which are going to provide you with both heating and cooling through their various applications. Ground source heat pumps are probably the best, as they are the most efficient and because they are underground you don’t have to look at them. So this is certainly something to think about getting as a means of heating your home.

Make Compost

If you have a garden and you are a keen gardener, then one of the great things you might want to do in order to be more eco-friendly at home is to make your own compost. This is easy enough to do – you just need to look at finding somewhere to put your food scraps, garden waste and the occasional bit of cardboard. Over time you will then find that you have compost there, and this can then be used around the garden to help the plants grow. This is an amazing way to ensure that you are keeping your home eco-friendly, and it is also something that can prove to be incredibly effective and efficient in general too.

Those are just some of the ways in which you can hope to keep your home eco-friendly, so focus on these.


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. Another thing you really should do towards eco-friendly living is to change your air conditioner filters regularly. If you consistently clean your filters, you are providing the best option when seeking to reduce the amount of energy needed to preserve your home. However, according to the experts https://escoutah.com/how-can-our-air-cooling-and-heating-inspection-save-you-money/, that’s not enough. You must also make sure the ducts are cleaned to allow air to flow properly through them.

  2. Thank you for all these eco-friendly ideas! By the way, is the saltwater pool a “greener” option?
    According to this article https://www.discountsaltpool.com/saltwater-versus-chlorine-pools, such pools don’t contain chloramines, or chlorine by-products, which are quite toxic.

  3. You made a good point about windows. By the way, windows with low-e glass are becoming popular these days. They promise to improve the energy efficiency of the house significantly. Most options with low-e glass have coatings on both the inside and outside glass panes. A low-e coating on the interior facing side of the window allows the glass to reflect heat back inside to reduce the heat lost from the interior to the exterior in the winter cold. A low-e coating on the outside reduces the amount of heat transferred into the home from outside during the hot summer months. Read the complete guide if you want to know more about this type of window: https://portella.com/blog/what-is-low-e-glass/.

  4. Thanks for the post Few ways to make your home more eco-friendly is Choose recycled materials when possible.
    Create more natural light with solar panels or LED lights. Invest in green infrastructure, like rain gardens and green roofs. To reduce energy consumption, turn off devices when not in use and invest in Bosch appliances.
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  5. Good one! I really enjoyed reading your post about the risks and benefits of installing solar panels. I like that you mentioned some of the benefits, like not being dependent on fossil fuels. I’m seeing more and more people talking about the benefits of solar panels, so it’s wonderful to see a blog post that gives a perspective on the subject. hardwood flooring adelaide

  6. Excellent post. This guide provides tips and tricks on how to make your home more eco-friendly. It includes tips on reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and improving air quality. building inspections newcastle

  7. Thanks for sharing ECO friendly information.Most options with low-e glass have coatings on both the inside and outside glass panes. A low-e coating on the interior facing side of the window allows the glass to reflect heat back inside to reduce the heat lost from the interior to the exterior in the winter cold.

  8. Thanks for sharing the postA good example is heat pumps, which you can have installed for not much money and which are going to provide you with both heating and cooling through their various applications.boutique home builders melbourne

  9. The Suburbansocialite is a website that offers four ways to make your home more eco-friendly. These include turning off lights when you’re not using them, using recycled materials in construction, reducing energy usage in the home, and optimizing air conditioning to save energy. Solar Batteries Perth Western Australia

  10. Speaking of an eco-friendly home, I think water heating is something that is also worth mentioning. It’s known that tankless heaters are 24–34 percent more energy-efficient than a traditional tank in households using less than 41 gallons of hot water a day (a family of 2-3 people).
    More info about tankless water heaters is in this article: https://escoutah.com/tank-or-tankless-water-heaters/.

  11. […] all, and you should try to minimize how much you are traveling if you want to do your part for the sake of the planet. When you travel, try to do it in as green a way as possible. Have more trips at home, fly less, […]

  12. If you’re thinking about installing solar panels, give preference to silicon ones which are 22 percent more efficient.
    By the way, in this article we tell you in detail how you can save money when installing panels: http://www.edelmaninc.com/how-efficient-are-solar-panels/.

  13. Also, remember to maintain your heating and cooling systems regularly to reach maximum efficiency. HVAC specialists recommend doing this every year. However, such a part of maintenance as air filter replacement should be done every one to three months.

    1. Yes, regular HVAC maintenancecan greatly improve the system’s efficiency, which can lead to a reduction in energy consumption and lower utility bills.
      In addition, I suggest using ceiling fans. Ceiling fans can improve HVAC system efficiency by enhancing air circulation, allowing for more even distribution of conditioned air and reducing the load on the HVAC system.

  14. Good suggestions! Another great and simple thing you can do to improve energy efficiency and green your home is to switch out incandescent light bulbs for LED ones. They use at least 75% less energy than incandescent light bulbs. Plus, they last 25 times longer (some LED bulbs can last up to 20 years).

    You can find even more ways here: https://happyhiller.com/blog/green-guide-energy-efficient-home-improvements/.

  15. There are a also few ways to green up your house, including When possible, choose recycled materials. Solar or LED lighting can increase the amount of natural light. Enhance eco-friendly infrastructure, such green roofs.

  16. Another way to make your home more eco-friendly is to use energy-efficient air conditioning systems. Such things as SEER rating and ENERGY STAR labeling show the system’s efficiency.
    Also, please remember to check recent changes of efficiency standards for HVAC systems. These changes are legally effective from January 1, 2023.

    1. Thank you for the reminder! I only want to add that new minimum efficiency requirements differ in northern and southern states. In this article, you can find a map and find out “your minimum”: https://www.gervaismechanical.com/seer-ratings-are-changing-new-efficiency-standards-for-hvac-systems-in-2023/.

  17. […] only about 34% recycled. Further reports also indicate that many people who claim to be practicing eco-friendly habits at home are getting it wrong. Here are some you probably didn’t know […]

  18. Good article! I also want to suggest switching to more energy-efficient HVAC systems with an Energy Star label. Such appliances consume less energy, helping the planet and saving you money. But please keep in mind that even if you have high-efficient appliances like, for example, an Energy Star air conditioner, you still need to do regular air conditioner maintenance. Otherwise, it won’t bring good results.

  19. Did you know that green practices can be applied to your home plumbing too? Green plumbing is utilizing techniques to reduce water waste. A good rule of thumb for green plumbing is to pick toilets, washers, dishwashers, and other appliances that are rated for high efficiency.
    You can read more about this in the article: https://acehomeco.com/green-plumbing-what-is-it/.

  20. Your tips for making homes more eco-friendly are practical and impactful. Installing solar panels and switching to energy-efficient windows are excellent ways to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. I especially appreciate your suggestion of alternative heating methods like heat pumps, which not only save energy but also offer year-round climate control.

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