4 Apps For Planning The Perfect Night Out

You use technology to make your life easier every single day. Any problem you can think of, there’s an app to help you with it. You might not have thought about it before but the same is true when you’re going on a night out. There are plenty of great apps to help you organize it and make sure that you have a great time. Download these apps next time you’re planning a night out with friends.

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Rideshare Apps

Rideshare apps have become hugely popular in the last couple of years and they’ve revolutionized the way that people get around. The days of calling up for a taxi and waiting for ages, not knowing whether they’re even on the way yet. Now you can just order one on your phone and track it in real time until it gets there. There are two major rideshare apps on the market at the minute, Uber and Lyft. Uber is the most famous one but Lyft certainly has its benefits. There’s not much in it so check out this Lyft vs Uber comparison to decide which is best. In general, the pricing is pretty much the same between the two of them during normal times. However, when it’s busy, both companies will increase the price but Uber will increase it more than Lyft does.

Activity Planning Apps

How many hours have you and your friends spent sat at home texting each other, trying to work out what you’re going to do for the night? Luckily, there’s an app for that. Wendr is a great app where you can set your status to say whether you’re going out or staying in, then you can see how many of your friends want to do something tonight. From there, you can post suggestions and people can click on them to indicate whether they’re interested or not. It solves the problem of wasting half the night just trying to work out what you’re going to do.

Bar Finding Apps

If you want to go out for the night but you’re a bit low on funds, finding cheap places to drink is your top priority. NightOut is a great app that shows you where all of the nearest bars are and you can organize them by price, and see what nearby places have a happy hour. It’s the best way to find cheap places to drink and avoid overspending on your night out.

Restaurant Apps

Finding somewhere good to eat is sometimes a struggle and you often end up going to the same places. If you’re wary of taking your chances on a restaurant you’ve never been to before, you should check out some restaurant finding apps. Foursquare is the best one because it has a social element to it. You can see plenty of reviews online, as well as finding out the places that your friends are eating as well.

There’s an app for everything these days so download some of these and your next night out will run a lot more smoothly.

See you next time!


One comment

  1. I love the idea of taking public transportation for a date night to your destination.

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