2017 Year End Wrap-up & 2018 Goals

I want to start this post by advising y’all that it’s about to get real. The Suburban Socialite has been a very therapeutic venture for me, serving not only as a blog for my readers, but as a diary of sorts, in which to work through my issues. So, what better place than this website, with my amazing followers and readers, to share my 2017 experiences, and my 2018 goals, dreams and expectations for the year to come! Brace yourself, and grab your coffee! This is a long one!

2018 goals

2017 was a tough year for me, and I’m sooo glad that it’s over. I am not sure what lessons God wanted me to learn, but He kept me in the student’s desk this entire year, and I did NOT make the Dean’s List. I’ve experienced career changes, loss of key people in my life (death), and money woes. My health suffered: I had a lot of issues with High Blood Pressure this year, and I realized that being 30-something means that I can no longer be footloose and fancy-free when it comes to my dietary and lifestyle choices. I’ve also been silently suffering from the effects of Alopecia Areata. For those who haven’t heard of this, Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disorder in which the body attacks one’s hair follicles, leaving (you guessed it!) bald patches and thinning in its’ wake. I’ve hidden this by using Ariana Grande approved (lol) high ponytail hairpieces, and top knot buns, but it still hasn’t been easy to deal with, and the added stress exacerbates my High Blood Pressure and the hair loss! Do you feel me when I say I am so ready for a New Year?!!!

But…let’s not end on a negative note. This past year, my precious baby girl (Bella) celebrated her first birthday, learned to walk and talk, and has given us so much in the way of happiness, snuggles, and hugs! Truly, the best part of my day is waking up to her smiles! In May, my husband and I celebrated 6 years of marriage, with a trip to Vegas! We took a couples trip with my sister and her husband, who celebrated 20 years of marriage around the same time as our anniversary! #goals. We had a blast! (If anyone wants to read a review of The Palazzo, where we stayed, leave me a comment!) In June, my mother sold her home, and moved in with us after the death of our stepfather. It was an adjustment for all of us, but it came with so many perks: good home cooking, help with the baby, and a complete home and backyard renovation! In July 2017, I started this blog, which has allowed me to meet so many amazing new people, and build my online family of readers! I feel that my personal and work challenges have only served to make me a better, and stronger person, so in the end, I am thankful! I am Hebrew, so technically I celebrate the New Year in Spring (Abib), but I’m starting a new job (squeeee!!!!!) January 2nd, so there is no better time than now for me to share my 2018 goals and plans!

I am speaking a fabulous 2018 into existence for myself, and I am claiming that I will be victorious in my career, with my blog (new collabs and sponsors y’all!!!), with my health, and my finances! I am going to work on myself as a person, as a wife, as a mother, and as a friend. I want all of my readers to follow me on this journey, and to hold me accountable! I’ll be sharing blog posts going more in-depth about my 2018 goals, and the specifics I am doing to achieve them!

2018 goals

  • Be more consistent with posting. I’m aiming for at least 3 times per week!
  • Write and schedule content ahead of time.
  • Purchase a DSLR camera, and curate more professional quality images!
  • Reach out to brands and other bloggers for collaborations (this is a big one! I’ve been afraid to do this, because I feel like I can’t compete with so many of the bloggers in my niche. But I know now that I won’t ever compete if I don’t have faith and reach out! Which brings me to…
  • Redesign and update my Media Kit.
  • Gain 10,000 followers (or more!) on Instagram
  • Host 4 Giveaways
  • Engage more with my readers! I’ll be looking to do some meet-ups this year!

  • Use my treadmill (currently a clothing rack!) at least 5 times per week for 30-45 mins
  • Continue drinking a minimum of 64oz of water daily
  • Eat breakfast daily!
  • 30 squats per night (this is for personal goals!?)
  • Eat a more balanced diet/cut out fast food!
  • Cut the extra vanilla syrup from my daily lattes (baby steps…)
  • Eat less fried foods, and cut back sugar intake
  • Buy new workout attire (It’s motivating!)
  • Work with a specialist to address my hair loss issues
  • Whiten my teeth (aforementioned daily Latte damage! ?)

2018 goals

  • Spiritual Growth: I currently spend a lot time on devotions and study, but this year I want to increase my fasting and prayer/worship time, as well as tithe faithfully. Consistency is the name of the game! I also want to do more to support my fellow Hebrew community!
  • I resolve to live in the moment! I recently had a conversation with my best friend, and I had the epiphany that I tend to “live” in the future (meaning, I’m always planning ahead) or in the past (remembering, and often regretting). There is nothing wrong with this, but I find myself missing “the now” and looking back wondering where all the time went. I’m going to really enjoy all of life’s moments this year!
  • Career Growth: I really need to work on standing out at work, as opposed to blending in. I tend to take the path of least resistance, and I often fall into patterns of not working as hard as I should. (Just being honest!) This year, I’m renewing my mindset when it comes to work: consistency is the name of the game! (Seeing a trend yet?)
  • I will invest in myself first, and save 10% of my monthly income.
  • I will stop spending money on trendy items that do not hold up well, and invest in quality pieces.
  • I am going to update my undergarment wardrobe! Clothing can’t look good without the right foundational garments
  • I will learn how to contour and highlight!!!
  • I will become more organized, and use planners to help me stay on track.
  • I will continue to work on Breaking My Phone Addiction!
  • I will try my hardest to wake up every morning by 6:30am. (This will probably be the 1st goal broken! ?)

I hope that you guys will continue to follow and share with me on this journey toward reaching my goals! If you haven’t, be sure to subscribe to my blog to get an email update anytime a new post is published! I recommend following so you’ll be able to enter some great giveaways this year! To subscribe, make sure that you are viewing my blog through the Desktop Version, and you’ll see the Subscription Form on the sidebar!

? Here’s to a fabulous 2018! ?

See ya next time!

Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited US



Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. I love the tips that you gave in this article. Baby steps you are absolutely correct we try to change things instantly and it doesn’t last.

  2. “…He kept me in the student’s desk this entire year, and I did NOT make the Dean’s List.” I LOVE this because I was right there with you!! 2018 couldn’t come fast enough, and it’s going to be awesome. Say it with me! 2018 will be an amazing year!

    Seriously, though, despite the downs, it sounds like you have had a beautiful year with a few memories that you will carry for years to come. You have great goals for 2018, and I wish you the very best!

  3. This is an awesome blog of openness and honesty. So many people are afraid to be transparent. This is refeshing and gives me a zest to reach past my yesterday and live in the now. Blessings to you for overwhelming success!

  4. It sounds like you’ve got some great goals for 2018! Investing in quality pieces is my shopping motto. I also need to start reaching out to more brands this year for collaborations

  5. These are really all great goals for the new year, I am so with you on the living for the now ans not missing out all because of planning ahead, and like me I am letting my impulses guide me this year. All the best in the year 2018 and blessings to you and your family.

  6. Happy Years New! I’ve always been a fan of writing down my goals for the year!

  7. Happy New Year! Good luck with all of your goals. I’m sure you’ll do fabulous in 2018!

  8. I can relate to the bald patch, going through the same, hoping the current treatment works. Good luck with all your goals, I declare 2018 is your year girl, you gat this ‘all in God’s time’

  9. So sorry to hear about the loss of loved ones and your own health struggles but I truly admire that despite the obstacles you have been through you took courage to see the positives in a bad situation. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl and happy six years of marriage too. May 2018 be an amazing year for you x

  10. I am so proud of you. You have shared things that we all go through. It’s not hard to admit the life experiences that we have sometimes, as you have done here. You are amazing and are destined for greatness. I wish you much success and happiness and I look forward to what’s to come for you.

  11. I too am glad that 2017 is gone. It was a active and sometimes very uneventful year for me. That baby girl and all she learned though had to be exciting to watch. I have broken down different areas for my goals as well. Good luck to you.

  12. Corinne and Kirsty

    Life always have ups and downs. 2017 was like this for me. But I hope 2018 will be better for the both of us! Your goals are great and i might take some inspo from them! best of luck for the new year

  13. Congrats on the new job!! I liked 2017 and I’m hoping 2018 will be even better. Happy New Year!

  14. After having many highs and lows in 2017, you have some ambitious goals for the new year! Best of luck to you for the happiness and health in 2018.

  15. These are such great goals! Thanks for sharing with us and Happy New Year!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  16. The Motivated Mom

    2017 was full of ups and downs. I am thankful to have learned so many lessons…but looking forward to a greater 2018. These are such great goals…I think the health is the most important for me.

  17. Here’s to rocking your 2018 goals! Happy New Year and good luck.

  18. What a great way to wrap up 2017. I admire your honesty. I am a planner, but I also go with the flow since my hubby is certainly a spontaneous fellow. Best wishes for the new year.

  19. I need to set some goals for myself too! Maybe going to sleep at a decent time, then that will help me get up at a decent time haha. I admire that you’ve set very realistic goals and not something too hard to achieve! Good Luck!!

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